We are making one last attempt to call to houses over the next number of days to collect contributions towards finishing our marvelous facility. Unfortunately, we are still €10,000 short of our total figure of €52,210 to complete our walkway. IF we do not get to you, you can also drop your contribution to one of the Community Association or Newtownshandrum GAA members. You can also contribute on line:
Bank Details:
Account Name: Newtownshandrum GAA
IBAN: IE91 BOFI 9056 9445 4074 02
Thanks for your continued support and hopefully we get to complete the Walkway.
Bank Details:
Account Name: Newtownshandrum GAA
IBAN: IE91 BOFI 9056 9445 4074 02
Thanks for your continued support and hopefully we get to complete the Walkway.